Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black and White with the Volume Turned Up

Basically for this week I took my old black and white project and turned it into something different using a warm color scheme and a cooler one. The contrast between the two is interesting, because of the color differences as well as how both images make someone feel. The warmer image brings a sense of happiness while the cooler image brings a colder sense. In addition, I kind of went for an asymmetrical balance in both images, because I liked how different it was. The warmer image reminded me a little of a sunset, while the cooler image reminded me more of winter.

1 comment:

  1. Both of these color schemes convey very different emotions...I could't agree with you more. It's also very interesting that the elements in the composition in cool colors look like they're more tightly placed (they noticably contract). The contrasting shapes also emphasize the asymetrical balance. Great job!
